Tuesday, November 8, 2011

They're Drowning the Baby!!!

MaKayla was watching 16 and Pregnant...
MaK: MOM!!! What are they doing to that baby?? They're killing it! They keep dunking it in the water!!!

I look... the baby is being baptized.

Accomplished What???

me: hello my beautiful spawn child, how are ya?
MaK: hi my amazing witch mom, I'm good.
me: Thanks for using a 'W' instead of a 'B', 'preciate it.
MaK: No problem.
me: Sooo... what did you accomplish today?
MaK: A tan.
I think I may need to be a bit more specific about chores. Holy crap I love her, though :)

PITA... from Hindu...

Was remembering PITA's little-girl days... like when she was 5 and wrapped herself in mexican sarongs and gauzy fabric, stuck a little mermaid sticker on her forehead and announced she was 'from Hindu'... Where's the rewind button on life???


On the drive home Saturday....
I look over and see my daughter chewing the corner of the dog's pig ear chew treat...

Me: OH MY GOD What are you doing???
MaKayla: Trying to figure out why the dog is so obsessed with these things.
