Sunday, March 29, 2009

Allie, MaKayla is stuck in the washing machine!

I have two roommates, who have three little girls.  When their three and my one all manage to play sweetly together, I am thrilled.  The sounds of them all running through the house this afternoon playing hide'n'seek were wonderful.


An adorable 8 year old comes running up to me and states (with a large smile) 'Allie, MaKayla is stuck in the washing machine.'

I get up, prepared to be angry because really, she's 12 and should know better.  I enter the laundry room and sure enough, there she is.  Now try to get a mental picture of this mess:  My daughter is 5'2", and weight 95lbs.  Her butt is in, her legs are in.  Her knees are to her chest with that post between her legs.  She looks at me, obviously trying to decided if smiling is a very good idea...  it isn't.

It took dumping laundry soap on her, filling the machine with a couple gallons of water, three people and about 45 minutes....

To realize we couldn't get her out.  I called the fire department.

The conversation with 911 went about as you can imagine...  until she asked the age of the child...  laughter ensued.

So it ended up taking 2 more hours, 3 firemen and the jaws of life to free my child of the predicament she got herself into.

And she calls ME re-re.

Friday, March 27, 2009

'I'm not going to cuddle with you EVER again!'

So my 12 year old daughter has continued to sleep with me for the last 19 months...  reasons for this can be found in my other blog.  Some nights, I would manage to piss her off-  it could be a comment, a request made or just my very existence that was irritating her at that particular moment.

Anyhow, we will go to bed and she will ball herself up at the bottom corner of the bed without any blankets and state firmly, 'I'm not going to cuddle with you EVER again!'

90% of the time I don't say a word.  I know that as soon as she thinks I'm sleeping she will carefully make her way back up to me, curling herself into my side.

However, the other 10%....

I can't help but to say, 'I thought you weren't cuddling me EVER again?'

And then I smile and shake my head in the dark as she throws herself back down to the corner of the bed, knowing that when we wake up, she'll be curled up to my side.

I sure do love her.

I slid right into stupid

When she was little, she would pucker up her lips and say kiss me.  Now, she rolls her eyes as she walks away.  Just two years ago she thought I was the smartest mommy in the world...  in a very short time I slid right into stupid.

She doesn't like the music I listen to anymore, (although purposely listening to Johnny Cash while doing the funky white girl dance at every available stop light probably doesn't help) thinks my clothes are boring and my movie choices are 're-re'. ( I finally figured out that re-re means really retarded...  after two months of her calling me that on myspace.)

To be fair, I don't like most of her music (Jonas Brothers deserve a special place in hell), I think she is delusional with the skinny jeans and her movie choices....  one more cheesy teen movie and I will hang myself with her pink clip-on hair extensions.

I'm waiting for that glorious day when a light comes on in her beautiful blue eyes, proof she has figured out that while I may not be the smartest mommy in the world, I'm not totally 're-re'.